Thursday, March 15, 2012


I forgot something on the last post! 
So, Super Secret Rumor has it that before the empire Sarah was as rude and mean as any old TurdFace Blondwad. But when it happened,
fame bought her glory and glory brought her bossy, and bossy bought her, rude and that was that.
Well... I stand faithful to the Merfairy Empire  as the Queen of the North Seas, (just found out have two sisters but I'M A QUEEN SO BOO-YA!) 
But who knows? Maybe Sarah isn't who she claims to be. And maybe she is.

Now ok, I'm going back to my bloggers to see if I can make any blogs for my other stories, and then I'm going to check all of my blogs views! Seeya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!


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