Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hey Guys! our 2nd  post yet!
According to our last post in The Merfairy Times  their are some new enemies. Sarah doesn't remember their names exactly, but I am going to get it for you! 
 Now who is Sarah Stardust?

Sarah Stardust-  B-day on pixie hollow: July 11th of 2010.
  Status: Merfairy Empress.
o_O that is all I know now..

I dont want to make anymore sites.. But if Ms. Stardust can do a little kingdom into a huge Empire why can't anyone else?
You see people sometimes think Ms. Stardust stole the empire from someone one unknowned.  She claims, 'I take my Empire into good care and it started from a little kingdom and now its a empire. I never stole any crown.
What's your opinion? Comment!

  I'm Victoria and I'm on your side!
~Vicki Vicki cross my fishy~


  1. Ill give you information about Sarah Stardust:
    Shes never on much.
    She has 2 enemies Flint and Crystal Diamond jewel.

  2. Go to this link to see the Merfairy Code of Conduct.
    ( copy it onto the website bar thing o_o )
