Hi guys!!
I'm recording so I can get my site all over the world for seeing :D
Well there has been a Merfairy Revolution.
Here are some of the videos of it:
And here is MY video:
It is kinda old and I made it when I still had Victoria1 but still anyway BUHBYE!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Omg Guys!!
I have so much to say that I'm not going to bother saying the name of this blog!!
I lost my membership and I tried everything but I had to create a new fairy and make her a member!
But I'm going to make her just like the last Victoria!
I'm not going to be a mermaid for awhile but soon I know I will!!
I have so much to say that I'm not going to bother saying the name of this blog!!
I lost my membership and I tried everything but I had to create a new fairy and make her a member!
But I'm going to make her just like the last Victoria!
I'm not going to be a mermaid for awhile but soon I know I will!!
So..... Be good eat grilled cheese with chalk BYES!!!!!!
But..... nah I have nothing left to say BUT........ BUHBYE!!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Omg hi guys!
Now time for headings for the mermaids or whatever!
Sarah STardust has been over thrown!!!
According to this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZX6dP5gQL4&feature=related
It shows what happened...
I think Serena is right. Sarah has exiled me to for doing for what I thought in what was right! Merfairies were unhappy and she thought in what she was doing was 'good' but obviously she got complaints!
Think about it!
Bye bye toota loo!!! ;)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
HI guys! I don't have any scoop but here are some new Ideas for mermaids since they seem to be only brushing their hair and looking for mermaid catchers. Oh and I just remembered the top story!
When I became exiled, (yes it happened shocker no.)I remembered something. They had a MEETING about me. If you don't trust me you don't trust me. SO why NOT say it to my face right? I'm not going against mermaids but that seems like a low for sneakiness and rudeness no one should cross.
So why cross it? Well why not ask our Empress Sarah? And TTYLXOX I AINT CROSS NO LINE! ;)
MERMAID IDEA TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O
Oh i forgot oh well BYeME!
HI guys! I don't have any scoop but here are some new Ideas for mermaids since they seem to be only brushing their hair and looking for mermaid catchers. Oh and I just remembered the top story!
When I became exiled, (yes it happened shocker no.)I remembered something. They had a MEETING about me. If you don't trust me you don't trust me. SO why NOT say it to my face right? I'm not going against mermaids but that seems like a low for sneakiness and rudeness no one should cross.
So why cross it? Well why not ask our Empress Sarah? And TTYLXOX I AINT CROSS NO LINE! ;)
MERMAID IDEA TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O
Oh i forgot oh well BYeME!
I forgot something on the last post!
So, Super Secret Rumor has it that before the empire Sarah was as rude and mean as any old TurdFace Blondwad. But when it happened,
fame bought her glory and glory brought her bossy, and bossy bought her, rude and that was that.
Well... I stand faithful to the Merfairy Empire as the Queen of the North Seas, (just found out have two sisters but I'M A QUEEN SO BOO-YA!)
But who knows? Maybe Sarah isn't who she claims to be. And maybe she is.
Now ok, I'm going back to my bloggers to see if I can make any blogs for my other stories, and then I'm going to check all of my blogs views! Seeya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!
I forgot something on the last post!
So, Super Secret Rumor has it that before the empire Sarah was as rude and mean as any old TurdFace Blondwad. But when it happened,
fame bought her glory and glory brought her bossy, and bossy bought her, rude and that was that.
Well... I stand faithful to the Merfairy Empire as the Queen of the North Seas, (just found out have two sisters but I'M A QUEEN SO BOO-YA!)
But who knows? Maybe Sarah isn't who she claims to be. And maybe she is.
Now ok, I'm going back to my bloggers to see if I can make any blogs for my other stories, and then I'm going to check all of my blogs views! Seeya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!
Hey Guys! I'm posting twice to keep ratings up! We have had 2 posts...
Its not much but every step of the way counts just like Sarah's Empire did! If you go on this site copy this site and advertise it everywhere! I will appreciate the help!
Now down to the big stuff on mermaids. INSIDE EDITION NO ONE KNOWS. But this is only a little tip! I promise I'll get more!
Well in MY opion Sarah Stardust is NOT UNDERSTANDING OF GOOD Mermaid/Vampires or Mermaid/Werewolves. A lot of Mermaids are VP (Vampire) or a WW (My way of saying were wolf).
For instance as me VICTORIA with the d-name XXMusic_Lover_XX, I know a rocking Mermaid VP, and super nice! I don't know what all the fuss is about but I think Empress Sarah rejects VP and WW because of Breezy Wintersparkle, she was a vampire queen I think and caused so much mayhem that Sarah made all Mermaids Immune to any bite. Maybe thats why Sarah rejects VP and WW? I don't know but I'm Victoria and I'm on UR side!
~ThatCrazyChicNamedVic~ :P :P :O :O ;) PS>
Hi, everyone! I'm Victoria from PixieHollow.com, my favorite site in the WHOLE WORLD! and don't forget to...
My fairies:
(The rest are the ones I don't need but now you can't delete so :( )
The Merfairy Empire
So, I bet you're wondering how Sarah became the Merfairy Empress, right?Well, she created the Merfairy Empire. It started out as a small kingdom, and then got bigger and bigger until it became an empire! I'm very proud of what it has become and she is determined to make sure it keeps growing for a long time.
The Merfairy Times
So, as many of you merfairies know, Sarah has a merfairy newspaper called The Merfairy Times! To check out all the issues, simply Google 'The Merfairy Times' and all the issues will come up!
"True friends are like roses. You don't find them easily, but when you do, you feel like the luckiest person in the world."
~ Sarhinaflower
Calling me stupid won't make you smart.
Calling me mean won't make you nice.
Calling me ugly won't make you pretty.
Calling me weird won't make you cool.
So why bother?
Hey Guys! I'm posting twice to keep ratings up! We have had 2 posts...
Its not much but every step of the way counts just like Sarah's Empire did! If you go on this site copy this site and advertise it everywhere! I will appreciate the help!
Now down to the big stuff on mermaids. INSIDE EDITION NO ONE KNOWS. But this is only a little tip! I promise I'll get more!
Well in MY opion Sarah Stardust is NOT UNDERSTANDING OF GOOD Mermaid/Vampires or Mermaid/Werewolves. A lot of Mermaids are VP (Vampire) or a WW (My way of saying were wolf).
For instance as me VICTORIA with the d-name XXMusic_Lover_XX, I know a rocking Mermaid VP, and super nice! I don't know what all the fuss is about but I think Empress Sarah rejects VP and WW because of Breezy Wintersparkle, she was a vampire queen I think and caused so much mayhem that Sarah made all Mermaids Immune to any bite. Maybe thats why Sarah rejects VP and WW? I don't know but I'm Victoria and I'm on UR side!
~ThatCrazyChicNamedVic~ :P :P :O :O ;) PS>
Hi, everyone! I'm Victoria from PixieHollow.com, my favorite site in the WHOLE WORLD! and don't forget to...
My fairies:
(The rest are the ones I don't need but now you can't delete so :( )
The Merfairy Empire
So, I bet you're wondering how Sarah became the Merfairy Empress, right?Well, she created the Merfairy Empire. It started out as a small kingdom, and then got bigger and bigger until it became an empire! I'm very proud of what it has become and she is determined to make sure it keeps growing for a long time.
The Merfairy Times
So, as many of you merfairies know, Sarah has a merfairy newspaper called The Merfairy Times! To check out all the issues, simply Google 'The Merfairy Times' and all the issues will come up!
"True friends are like roses. You don't find them easily, but when you do, you feel like the luckiest person in the world."
~ Sarhinaflower
Calling me stupid won't make you smart.
Calling me mean won't make you nice.
Calling me ugly won't make you pretty.
Calling me weird won't make you cool.
So why bother?
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hey Guys! our 2nd post yet!
According to our last post in The Merfairy Times their are some new enemies. Sarah doesn't remember their names exactly, but I am going to get it for you!
Hey Guys! our 2nd post yet!
According to our last post in The Merfairy Times their are some new enemies. Sarah doesn't remember their names exactly, but I am going to get it for you!
Now who is Sarah Stardust?
Sarah Stardust- B-day on pixie hollow: July 11th of 2010.
Status: Merfairy Empress.
o_O that is all I know now..
I dont want to make anymore sites.. But if Ms. Stardust can do a little kingdom into a huge Empire why can't anyone else?
You see people sometimes think Ms. Stardust stole the empire from someone one unknowned. She claims, 'I take my Empire into good care and it started from a little kingdom and now its a empire. I never stole any crown.
What's your opinion? Comment!
I'm Victoria and I'm on your side!
~Vicki Vicki cross my fishy~
Monday, February 27, 2012
HI Guys!
I'm a mermaid and here is what is new!
I'm copying and pasting from Sarah Stardust's Merfairy Times 2/ 14/ 2012! ( February 14th 2012 ).
HI Guys!
I'm a mermaid and here is what is new!
I'm copying and pasting from Sarah Stardust's Merfairy Times 2/ 14/ 2012! ( February 14th 2012 ).
BY Merfairies, FOR Merfairies! Hi, everyone! Now, I know that I said I wouldn't be posting an issue of The Merfairy Times this week due to picture uploading issues, but as a special Valentine's Day treat, I've decided to post one anyway!
What's New
It seems that recently we've discovered new enemies. Unfortunately I can't recall all of their names at the moment, but I would advise all Merfairies to stay on the lookout for trouble.
Letters to the Editor
Sorry, there are no letters to the editor this week.
What would you like to see be added to the newspaper? a. An advice column b. An arts & crafts section c. Book reviews
Merfairy of the Week
Congratulations, Joy Sweetthorn (D-name X-plosive)! You are our 13th Merfairy of the Week!
Sorry, there are no interviews this week.
Events List
Weekly Merfairy Meeting: Every Saturday at 3:00 P.M. Pixie Standard Time at Misty Ledge in Sunflower Gully. All Merfairies are welcome to come and speak at the meetings. Peace Day: Every Sunday. A day to be peaceful with no fighting or stress. Merfairy Empress Appreciation Day: Every year on November 14th to recognize hard work and dedication to her empire. Merfairy Princess Election Day: Every year on January 1st to elect a new princess for the empire. Merfairy Masquerade Ball: Every October 23rd. A day where all the Merfairies gather dress in costumes and go Tail-or-Treating at other Merfairy's homes.
Merfairy Art
Sorry, there is no Merfairy art this week.
This Week's Fashions
Sorry, there are no fashions this week.
Merfairy Home of the Week
Type Sarhinaflower in Google and my video channel should come up.
Sorry, there is no Shelly this week.
Rachel's Merfairy Tales
The Merfairy's Secret Valentine Once upon a time, there was a Merfairy named Tadpole. Her favorite day of the year was Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day she got a special surprise in her mailbox! For instead of just cards, she got CHOCOLATES! She looked at the little card, and it said: "For you, from your Secret Admirer." Tadpole was both happy and scared! She NEVER got a secret admirer! So, she got on her red dress (for merfaries, that is) and went to the Merfairy Valentine's Ball, and got a surprise. Her best friend, Toad swam up to her and said, "May i have this dance?" "Yes!" replied Tadpole. This was the best Valentine's Day ever! The end.
Sarah's Poetry Corner
Valentine's Day Valentine's Day brings so many smiles So bright and that stretch for miles! Cards and chocolates and love and friends With all that, the love never ends! So I wish you all a fun and happy day And may love always be with you, every day!
Rocky's Mythology
Introducing Rocky's Mythology by Roadyrocky! Mermaids Around the World In Ireland mermaids own a red cap that they need to dive deep under the sea. Stealing it will keep them on land for as long as the blackmailer wants, but as soon as she gets it back, she'll go back to the sea, and never come back. In Nigeria, they believe merfolk can become human by simply going above the water and as soon as they touch water again they'll become a whole fish. In most Middle-Eastern countries they believe merfolk have no tails at all but look like real humans who can breathe underwater.
Sorry, there are no contests this week.
This week, instead of the usual Merfairy-themed recipes, I have a special Valentine's Day recipe for all of you today that I'm sure you'll enjoy! Valentine's Cupcakes Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 sticks butter, softened 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 5 eggs 1 cup whole milk Colored sprinkles, for decorating Candy hearts, for decorating Sweet Vanilla Frosting, recipe follows
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt, set aside.
In large bowl, add the butter and sugar. Beat with an electric hand mixer until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and vanilla and mix well. Slowly alternate between adding the milk and the flour mixture, ending with milk.
Line 2 (12 capacity) cupcake pans with Valentine's Day paper liners. Using a standard ice cream scoop, fill each liner 2/3 full. Bake until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean about 18 to 20 minutes Remove the pans from the oven and put on a wire rack to cool completely.
Frost the cupcakes with Sweet Vanilla Frosting. Use an offset spatula or butter knife to spread the frosting on top of the cooled cupcakes. Decorate with sprinkles and candy hearts. Enjoy with your loved ones!
Sweet Vanilla Frosting
Ingredients: 2 sticks butter, softened 3 cups powdered sugar 1/2 cup whole milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 5 drops red food coloring
In a large bowl add the butter and a few cups of sugar. Beat together until combined. Slowly alternate between adding the remaining sugar with the wet ingredients, being careful not to over beat.
Mermish is the official language of the Merfairies. It will be at the end of every issue so everyone can learn it! Anit: Search Dal: Want Em: You Fan: Am/Is/Are Fimara dom: Low tide Fimra tre: High tide Fre: Help Hredenu: Male Hron: Swim Ifen: Was/Were Kesseni: Female Kila: Many Li: Here Luron: Far away Lusa: See Nulma: Love Ohora: Storm Olo: There Sessa: Mermaid Setanim: Human Suron: Wave Tala: Hello To: I Torm: Beach Tritse: Ship Antorum: Beachcomber Mortum: Someone who would fail to see a mermaid right in front of their eyes Sesmuna: Friend of mermaids Setannor: Curious but harmless person Setantraya: Curious and dangerous person Setsur: Sailor (The Mermish language is from the book The Secret World of Mermaids by Francine Rose. No copyright intended.)
The Merfairy Code
1. A Merfairy stands for peace, love, happiness, and justice. 2. Always defend your empire, no matter what. 3. A fellow Merfairy never gets left behind. 4. Never use your powers for selfish and/or evil deeds. 5. Never go into battle with a vampire and/or Merfairy catcher without other Merfairies by your side. 6. What happens in The Merfairy Empire stays in The Merfairy Empire.
Special Thanks To:
Rachel Rosepetal, for the lovely story, and Roadyrocky, for the splashtastic mermaid mythology!
I hope you enjoyed this week's issue of The Merfairy Times! Check back in 2 weeks for yet another exciting issue!
Swim with you later! Merfairy Empress Sarah Stardust Last edited by Sarah Stardust; Yesterday at 12:05 PM. |
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